Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Bawang Merah (Allium ascalonium L.) dan Tingkat Kesejahteraan Rumah Tangga Petani Bawang Merah di Kecamatan Belo Kabupaten Bima
bawang merah, pendapatan, kontribusi, tingkat kesejahteraan, hubungan pendapatan dan tingkat kesejahteraanAbstract
This study aimed to determine the income of shallot farming, the contribution of
shallot farming income to family income, and the relationship between shallot farming
income and the welfare level of shallot farmers. Respondents in this study amounted to 97
shallot farmers from two villages, namely Ncera and Ngali villages. The samples were
dtermined using simple random sampling, and the data analysi swas performed using
Microsoft Excel and manual assistance. The average farming cost in MK with an area of
5,799 m2 is Rp. 51,121,645, the average revenue is Rp. 176,143,944, and an average income
of Rp. 125,022,299 The cost of farming in MH with an area of 5,799 m2 is Rp. 51,165,356,
the average receipt of Rp. 163,079,280, and an average income of Rp. 111,913,924. The
contribution of shallot farming income to household income is moderate, which is at 57.5%.
The welfare level of shallot farmers is classified as a prosperous household with a
percentage of 90% or 87 farmers. The relationship between income and the level of welfare
of shallot farmers is negative and very weak; it is because the wealth of prosperous farmers
are not due to the income of shallot farming from another income besides shallot farming.
Farmers have jobs that generate income outside of shallot farming to cover expenses so that
they are prosperous. One of the incomes comes from cattle, amounting to Rp. 54,071,429
in 2021 and outside agriculture, the highest is income from entrepreneurship, which is Rp.
65,051,429 in 2021. Farmers in Belo sub-district are expected to improve their skills and
knowledge in shallot farming.
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