The Prompt of Using KIT IPA Toward Students Achievement on Science in Term of Scientific Attitude
The aim of this research is to know the tendency of using KIT IPA toward students achievement on science in term of scientific attitude. The type of this research is quasiexperiment. The populations of this research are all of students of grade eight in SMP Negeri 3 Kasihan Bantul. Besides, the sample is using simplerandom sampling.The methods of collecting the data are documentation, test, and questionnaire. The validity of questions tested with Pearson product moment. The reliabilities instruments are tested with KR-20 and the questionnaire with alpha cronbach formula. The technique of data analysis is using ancova experiment. The result of this research shows that Fcount = 11,258 with p = 0,002. It means that there is a significant difference on students achievement on science by using KIT IPA in term of scientific attitude.
Keywords : KIT IPA, Students Achievement Scientific and Scientific Attitude