Strategi guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran luar jaringan masa pandemi Covid-19 di kelas V SD Negeri Sidomulyo


  • Yandi Normantio Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa , Indonesia
  • Dwi Wijayanti Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa , Indonesia


strategy, offline learning, Covid-19 pandemic


The aim of this research: (1) To identify the reasons for implementing offline learning in class V SD Negeri Sidomulyo during the Covid-19 pandemic. (2) Analyzing teacher strategies in carrying out offline learning in class V SD Negeri Sidomulyo during the Covid-19 pandemic. (3) To find out the obstacles that occur in the application of offline learning in class V SD Negeri Sidomulyo. The method used in this research is a qualitative description. The research is carried out in class V SD Negeri Sidomulyo Musi Rawas, South Sumatra. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using the credibility test. In testing the credibility of the data using triangulation of sources, techniques, and time. Data analysis techniques include data collection, data presentation, data reduction, and conclusions. The results of the research: 1) Offline learning applied because it obtains permission from the Regent of Musi Rawas to organize offline learning and teachers at SD Negeri Sidomulyo are not yet capable of using technology facilities during online learning and the teacher guardian of class V do not agree if learning is carried out online because of the difficulty of the internet network. 2) The teacher's strategy is to carry out offline learning by creating a cheerful classroom condition for the convenience and enthusiasm of students, managing learning schedules, and using LKPD accompanied by examples of doing assignments and giving homework to students. 3) Obstacles in implementing offline learning are difficulties in completing learning materials in class due to limited time and complaints from students regarding giving homework at the end of learning. The solution to these problems is to implement a strategy regarding reduced time constraints by shortening the RPP and having to make LKPD, dividing the class into two locales, and the school adding workers to help class teachers and for student complaints about assignments, the teacher gives more time to collect assignments.


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How to Cite

Normantio, Y. ., & Wijayanti, D. (2023). Strategi guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran luar jaringan masa pandemi Covid-19 di kelas V SD Negeri Sidomulyo. Prosiding Seminar Nasional PGSD UST, 4(1), 15–20. Retrieved from

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